The publication makes available to everyone the access and download of different lectures about Picasso. The international conferences are held annually and carry the title: Master Conferences Jaume Sabartés.
Master conferences collection covers
It was a matter of making a simple binding, made with common materials for an attractive result. The most important thing about the binding was to group all the conferences and at the same time keep them separated from each other, hence we used pins.
Pins to match-up conferences and keep them separated
Because many references to pictures of Picasso were made, it was necessary that as you read the text you could have the visual reference as close as possible. Since the works are great protagonists we decided to give them their own section in which we can see them on bigger size with data as the title, the year, the technique…
This publication has been designed by DOMO—A, Barcelona 2016.
The typefaces:
Printing and Binding: